The author, Cary Siegel, is a retired business executive.
After earning his MBA from the University of Chicago, he began his career in brand management with Kraft and went on to lead several companies in marketing and sales. He has been the lead speaker at over fifty sales meetings and marketing seminars, and was honored with over twenty awards during his career. Following the principles from this book (along with hard work) allowed him to retire at the age of forty-five.
Cary wrote the book for his five teenage children, but quickly found it was relevant to all adults. Though he still spends much of his time espousing the principles to his children (and anyone who is willing to listen to him).

Cary has a unique, interactive and memorable style that completely engages participants in the material. The result is participants leave presentations/meetings with actionable knowledge in personal money management they will carry with them throughout their life.
Cary is available for a number of different personal money management speaking engagements:
- Corporate presentations (30-90 minute presentations)
- "Lunch and learns" for new employees (30-90 minute
- Seminars for high school students (1-3 hours)
- Seminars for college students (1-3 hours)
Cary is available for individual personal money management training. The training is customized to the individual participant and includes:
- Reviewing your current budget
- Developing an actionable written budget
- Developing a personal system to analyze/track your budget on a monthly/annual basis
- Full cost analysis of your expenses with recommendations for cost cutting/elimination
- Thorough review of the principles of his book as they specifically pertain to you